"Arri Priimagi"
Arri Priimagi
Education & Research History
2010: Post Doctoral researcher at the Department of Applied Physics, Helsinki University of Tech-nology, Finland. Research topic: "Novel materials & applications for photoinduced surface patterns on azo-polymers"
2005-2009: Ph. D. Degree at the Department of Applied Physics, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland. Thesis Title: "Polymer{azobenzene complexes: from supramolecular concepts to e±cient photoresponsive polymers" Supervisors: Prof. Matti Kaivola & Prof. Olli Ikkala
2003-2004: M. Sc. Degree at the Department of Science and Engineering, Tampere University of Technology, Finland. Thesis Title: "Nonlinear optical properties of self-assembled polymer systems" Supervisor: Prof. Martti Kauranen
Current Research Interests
Supramolecular optical materials, block copolymers.
Photoresponsive behavior (photomechanics, holographic gratings) of azobenzene- containing material systems.
Second-order nonlinear optics: all-optical poling.
Publications in Refereed Scientific Journals
A. Priimagi, A. Shevchenko, M. Kaivola, F. J. Rodriguez, M. Kauranen and P. Rochon, "Exceptionally high and stable photoinduced anisotropy in guest-host polymer mediated by chromophore aggregation", Optics Letters 2010, 35, 1813-1815.
J. Vapaavuori, A. Priimagi and M. Kaivola "Photoinduced surface-relief gratings in supramolecular bisazobenzene-polymer complexes", Journal of Materials Chemistry 2010, 20, 5260-5264.
A. Priimagi, M. Kaivola, M. Virkki, F. J. Rodríguez and M. Kauranen, "Suppression of chromophore aggregation in amorphous polymeric materials: towards more efficient photoresponsive behavior", Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 2010, 19, 57-73.
A. Priimagi, K. Lindfors, M. Kaivola and P. Rochon, "Efficient surfacerelief gratings in hydrogen-bonded polymer-azobenzene complexes", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2009, 1, 1183-1189.
M. Ivanov, A. Priimagi and P. Rochon, "Effect of saturation on the diffraction efficiency of holographically recorded gratings in azopolymer films", Optics Express 2009, 17, 844-849.
A. Priimagi, J. Vapaavuori, F. J. Rodríguez, C. F. J. Faul, M. T. Heino, O. Ikkala, M. Kauranen and M. Kaivola, "Hydrogen-bonded polymer-azobenzene complexes: enhanced photoinduced birefringence with high temporal
stability through interplay of intermolecular interactions", Chemistry of Materials 2008, 20, 6358-6363.
K. Lindfors, A. Priimagi, T. Setälä, A. Shevchenko, A. T. Friberg and M. Kaivola, "Local polarization of tightly focused unpolarized light", Nature Photonics 2007, 1, 228-231.
A. Priimagi, M. Kaivola, F. J. Rodríguez and M. Kauranen, "Enhanced photoinduced birefringence in polymer-dye complexes: hydrogen bonding makes a difference", Applied Physics Letters 2007, 90, 121103-1-3.
A. Priimagi, S. Cattaneo and M. Kauranen, "Real-time monitoring of all-optical poling by two-beam second-harmonic generation", Optics Letters 2006, 31, 2178-2180.
A. Priimagi, S. Cattaneo, R. H. A. Ras, S. Valkama, O. Ikkala and M. Kauranen, "Polymer-dye complexes: a facile method for high doping level and aggregation control of dye molecules", Chemistry of Materials 2005, 17, 5798-5802.